
Package Designs for Snack Foods

The universe of snack foods continues to expand, and there is more to enjoy. This expansion has introduced different packages used by snack food companies. So, whether you are vegetarian or eat meat, there is an assurance you will get something fit for your appetite. Today, snack packages have made it easy for consumers to evaluate what each package contains, and the labels can tell how healthy the snack is. A snack food packager knows the market and what consumers like. This article will discuss the best package designs for snack foods and their application. From there, you can pick the best packaging.

1. Glass Containers

These are other forms of snack packages. However, they are not as popular as the rest. The reason is that they have a higher carbon footprint, they are costly and cumbersome. Despite these issues, glass containers make a perfect packaging choice for snacks. They are recyclable and best for preserving food products. Most of the glass containers have metal lids, reducing carbon footprint further. The good thing about glass containers is that they allow consumers to inspect the contents before buying. They are also easy to print brand elements.

2. Plastic Containers

This is another strong packaging and a popular design in the snack foods industry. The containers come in different sizes and shapes and have other features. Some of them are recyclable. You can clean it, dry it and use it again. The containers have seal bands that offer protection from tampering and contamination. They are commonly used to package dried fruits, snack mix, crisps, nuts, candy, chocolates, and more. Plastic containers are sturdy, easy to use, resalable, and recyclable. The only issue is that they have a high carbon footprint, they are expensive to ship.

3. Flexible Pouches

These are single-use containers made from foils and plastics. They are called flexible pouches because they can be used to pack snacks or drinks. Also known as stand-up pouches, these containers have become popular and most common in snack packaging. They are best for packing chips, candies, crisps, crackers, or chocolates. The main drive to their popularity is because of their resalable property and their low effect on the environment. Their low carbon footprint is better compared to other packaging materials. They are affordable, easy to use, resalable, easy to source, and offer graphic capabilities. The only problem with flexible pouches is that they are not recyclable and sometimes affect the flavor of liquids or food.

4. Paperboard Boxes

This is another popular packaging design for snack food. The packages are highly preferred because of their sturdiness, recyclability, and ease of branding. Paperboard packages come in square or rectangular boxes, although you can find other less popular shapes like triangles and hexagons. The containers can be 100% paperboard or come with a small opening with a clear film to allow consumers to see what is inside. If you love breakfast cereals, you are absolutely familiar with these boxes. They are recyclable, easy to source, and resalable. Unfortunately, they are costly and have a high carbon footprint.

5. To Wrap It Up!

These are the most popular designs of snack foods packaging. We hope you will be able to choose what suits your snack foods. Feel free to consult snack foods, and packaging experts. They will be more than willing to advise you on the best option for your products.